"But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth.". This is the God we worship and serve. This God has a church He promised to build, and has. Jesus Christ is the one Head of His church which is His body. We invite you to come see for yourself..
Welcome to Gallatin Road in Scottsville, Kentucky!
March 2025
- Wed PM Bible Study
4/2/25 07:00pm - Sun AM Bible Study
4/6/25 09:30am - Sun AM Worship
4/6/25 10:30am - Sun PM Worship
4/6/25 05:00pm - Wed PM Bible Study
4/9/25 07:00pm - Full Calendar
Time Change for Sunday evening service.
NOTICE: OUR SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE WILL BE AT 5:00pm BEGINNING NOVEMBER 3, 2024. This will be our regular meeting time from that date on. Please visit with us at your convenience. A friendly WELCOME awaits!
The Church And Denominations
Among most people today, the term "church" brings up the idea of "denominations". Since the vast majority of churches present today do not avoid the idea of being a denomination, and the common thought of "the church" is that the spiritual body of Christ is made up of all the churches (denominations), then, even the church described and spoken of in the New Testament must be a denomination.
Denomination as a term means "composed of parts". So the common thinking is that "the church" spoken of in the Scriptures is composed of all the churches (denominations). However, giving this some thought, could "the church" spoken of in the New Testament really exist composed of so many differing doctrines, practices, worship, and organization, and still be "one body" (Ephesians 4:4; Ephesians 1:22-23)? God is not the author/designer of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33). Also consider the fact that when "the church" of the New Testament came into existence in about 33AD on the day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2, there were no denominations existing. All of the denominational bodies that we see today came into existence after the Lord established His church as seen in Acts 2. And that church, the Lord's church, was composed of saved individuals, and not varying religious bodies established by men. It will be worth your time to read the articel "The Church Is Not A Denomination". Once you read it, let us know what you think about "the church".
Are You Really Save?
This article asks a spiritually crucial question. It is worth your time to read, especially if you answer the question "Yes". Sometimes we think we have completed a job, a process, an activity, only to discover that there was something we have overlooked, and that what we believed is completed is really not. So reviewing the step of the process to completion is always a good thing to do. That is why this article is so important...it will help us to see if we REALLY ARE SAVED...and if you discover you truly are not...it encourage you to completely do the Father's will (Matthew 7:21). We are here to help in every way we can.