A Church Without...
A Church Without
Can you imagine...
A church that needs no professional clergy or priesthood?
A church needs no creed written by men to direct its people?
A church with no sacred seasons or holy days, save the Lord's Day?
A church with no holy sites, no pilgrimages or sacred relics?
A church that has no earthly headquarters and needs none?
A church with no general assembly, council, convention?
A church without a band or musicians?
A church without a comedian or an entertainer in its pulpit"
A church with no human founder?
A church with no name save that of Christ?
A church that does not aspire to political power?
A church with nothing to offer humanity but the simple and pure gospel of Christ (Mark 16:15) and an example of Christian living and service (Phil. 2:15-16)?
You might wonder, how in the world could such a church exist? The church in the days of the apostles of Christ existed and flourished without all of these things. If you will take the time to visit a Church of Christ near you, you will see just such a church functioning and flourishing in our modern society. Christianity is a simple matter, it is denominationalism that creates all the confusion. Please visit with us soon to see a church such as this.